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Can you provide a safe home while a pet owner is in transition?

Pet foster

What are you good at? Resume writing? Money management? Can you teach it to our clients? The sky is the limit!

Life skills

Folks with trucks to help move household belongings.

Strong people

Birth/Postpartum Doula

Find people with open rooms, hotels, and rental properties that would be willing to help our clients, both short term and long term. This could be shared by 2 or more people.

Housing support

When we are actively helping someone in transition, we receive donations from people all over the Twin Cities. You would pick them up and either get them all to one place or drop off with the client.


Helping clients with routine house or car maintenance and repair.

Handy people

Volunteer coordinator

Gather physical donations for clients as needed; research employee matches or corporate donation options.

Gift Officer

Read and redirect general emails, screen intakes, send out monthly newsletter, etc. This could be shared between 2 or more people


Event Planner

Grant writer

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